"Even considering that I was very ill and that W100 was my last play before going into the hospital, it was an ill-considered play. I should have ignored the peep and pressed ahead at 'a' to secure the White territory in the lower right". But the bystanders considered the link at W100 to be natural.
]L[rl];B[rm]C[Kitani used three and a half hours for the first play after the three month recess.];W[rl];B[sl];W[qm];B[rn];W[qo];B[bp];W[dg]C[The Master took 47 min, his longest deliberation during the Ito sessions, for this move with a triple purpose: attack Black's corner, reduce Black's center, and defend White's group on the left.];B[bd];W[be];B[dc];W[go];B[fq];W[hn];B[oj]C[The time has come to stake the game on grand assault. White has to defend his center against the threat of invasion.];W[nj];B[ni];W[mj];B[ok];W[nk]C[The standard pattern at 'a' would have avoided an unstable empty triangle, but would have conceded a point or two. The Master could not afford even so small a concession in this tight match.]L[nl];B[hd];W[hb];B[qn];W[pn];B[sp];W[rq];B[mi];W[li];B[nl]C[Wu \(Go SeiGen\): "Firmly blocked by W120, Black's aggressive sequence from B123 to B129 suggests a strongly competitive spirit, as one sees in close games".];W[ro]C[The Master ignores White's slashing attack, and instead counterattacks on the right. But W130 assured the defeat of the invincible Master.